How to test my eyes at home

While there are some basic tests that you can perform at home to get a rough idea of your vision, it’s important to note that a comprehensive eye exam by a qualified eye doctor is the most accurate way to assess your visual health. Here are some simple tests you can try at home:

  1. Snellen chart: This is a chart that measures your visual acuity or how well you can see at a distance. You can find a printable version of the chart online and use it to check your visual acuity. Stand 20 feet (or 6 meters) away from the chart and cover one eye. Try to read the smallest line you can see. Repeat with the other eye. Alternatively, you could compare your vision of distance or near objects with your family and friends. If you are unable to see what they can see you should arrange a thorough eye examination. You may require visual correction or you could have an eye condition which may require attention.
  2. Amsler grid: This test can help detect problems with your central vision. You can print out an Amsler grid from the internet and hold it about 12 inches away from your face while covering one eye. Focus on the center dot and check for any distortion, wavy lines or missing areas in the grid.
  3. Cover test: This test checks for eye alignment and muscle function. Cover one eye and focus on an object in the distance. Then, switch eyes and see if your eyes move or drift when you cover and uncover each eye.
  4. Color Vision: Farnsworth D15 Color vision test is a great test which is able to determine if you have a color vision deficiency, which type, and the severity of the deficiency. Am I color blind? You can do the Farnsworth D15 color vision test at home online here.

If you experience any changes in your vision or notice any abnormalities during these tests, it’s important to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor for a more thorough examination.

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